Friday, January 25, 2013


A group of women came to my Spanish school earlier this week as part of the next group that will receive free or near-free stoves from the school.  Another student and I gave a talk to this group on “Las estufas y los beneficios para la salud.”  As the engineer, I explained about soot from stoves, and the other student, a medical student, explained about the health effects:  “el humo de las estufas tradicionales contiene miles de sustancias que con similares [a cigarros] y que son muy peligrosos para el cuerpo.  La peores incluyen la ceniza y hollín que se forman a causa de combustion en el fuego.  Estos cambian el calor de una olla nueva a negro.  Y la ceniza y el hollín pueden mezclar con el aire y entran nuestros cuerpos... (insert medical stuff here)... Las estufas de la escuela son mas eficientes de las estufas tradicionales.  El proceso de combustión in nuestras estufas es mas completo y las partículas de hollín cambian a gases mas limpias.  Entonces el aire es mas limpio tambien.” 

Here are some initial results of the soot measurement in the other stove project that I’ve been volunteering with.  This was from my first time lighting the stove, so this may not be the best gauge of how well the stove is performing.  It’s obvious though that even with this simple diagnostic we can tell that there’s soot forming from the flame.  Now to figure out how to reduce the amount formed. 

Before/antes (top/arriba) and after/despues (bottom/abajo)

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